Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time to be serious...

It has come to my attention that my videos are very misleading, in that they do not portray the self-image that I am aiming for. And because this is a public blog that parents, relatives, and friends as well as the general public can see this I feel the need to clarify for my sake. In hope of reinstalling the faith everyone once had in me, here is a brief explanation for my previous videos. When speaking about my beloved state of residence (TX) I said that it will always be red, and never be blue. I do feel that it will always be republican and never democratic state which is sad. Not because I am a democrat, and not because I am a republican but because I don’t think people should choose sides based on parties, I think sides should be chosen through values, ideas, and philosophy. In the point of me “jokingly saying” that I hate my town for being the number 2 red city in America, I don’t REALLY mean I hate Abilene, I mean it to say I wish people were more open minded, and less party and region oriented, your region, party and affiliations should not determine your stance on different issues.
On my Best Day Ever video I expressed my love for good humor. I am a very relaxed person, I don’t read in to things and I try not to infer or connect the dots unless asked to. So while I was reading the “Bushisms” I would then speak whatever came to my mind. When I first read them I laughed so hard! I really was laughing out loud, so I felt it would be fun to share a laugh with everyone else. The thing I did not mean to do was present myself in a non patriotic, Bush hating way. I have never been one to openly hate Bush. I always reserve my right to stay dignified and respectful because when you don’t act in a dignified and respectful way you tend to seem ignorant, something I DON’T want to be viewed as. With this in mind as I re-watched my videos and I can see how I was not very tactful about my approach to the bushisms, they could have definitely come off as disrespectful, and even hateful. NOT MY INTENTION! The other thing I said in this video was “Thank you Mr. Bush for ruling our country so gracefully and eloquently for the past 8 years Its going to be hard to make it without you but I think we can do it” This I can defiantly see being a bash on bush. It’s hard from me to defend this one because it is a very sarcastic way of me saying I’m tired of the bush presidency and I want a new direction for our country just like 90% of the U.S. Maybe I could have said it in a different way, so let me try: Thank you President Bush for leading our country for the past 8 years, I can only imagine how stressful it was at times especially since you have seen us through the most catastrophic 8 years we have seen in a really long time. You did the best anyone could have done, and with so much happening I can see how you could make mistakes in other areas, nobody is perfect. With our new president Elect I am extremely excited to see the direction we will be taking and I am ready for change, change is good. As for me “Loving” Obama, Yes I am excited, yes I am ready, and yes I have hope, but NO I don’t in anyway feel Obama is perfect. I do think he is what we need, but I doubt strongly that he can fix all our problems in a mere 4 years.

This is why Agree with him over McCain, not saying McCain is a HORRIBLE choice, just saying this is why I prefer Obama.

1. His energy policies, he not only wants to find new sources of energy but he wants to hold higher standards for our countries industries. Why would this be bad? I think its an awesome idea to hold higher standards because if America doesn’t who will? If /America lets it slide then won’t everyone else? We are the LEADERS of this world, lets act like it!

2. His Insurance plan: I think it is extremely fair. It changes nothing except for people who want insurance and cannot get it, if that is your case it simply means the Gov’t will provide you insurance. (Why shouldn’t we help our less fortunate citizens?)

3. His “Socialist” ideas although I don’t think they are quite socialist, I do think everyone will know what I am talking about if I call them that : ) …I find it hard to sit back and see the richest of the rich doing nothing when the poorest of the poor are crumbling. Even though there will be people who take advantage of the system for the most part I agree with the rich having to help the poor, it is their social obligation. I realize some people say well they worked for their money and the poor didn’t. Well its not that black and white, if it were then how would you explain Reese Witherspoon making 7 million a year without a college degree over a person with a PhD making less than 60,000 a year? Did Reese really work harder than the person with the PhD? I think not! Now I realize this idea could put a small dent in some peoples pocket books but when you feel that small little dent, then think of the immeasurable good it is doing for someone who is less fortunate.

4. He is prochoice, this is going to cause a scandal I know, but here are my reasons, call me liberal… Even though our country was founded on protestant beliefs, it is the land of the free. For me I personally disagree with abortion, and I would not want anyone I know or love to have an abortion, but honestly it’s not my decision, and it shouldn’t be. If there is a woman who is not religious and is free like all the rest of us then why should we let our religious beliefs govern over her decisions? And yes, I can actually live happily as a Christian knowing that I support prochoice. Why? Not because I think its right and not because I think it should happen, but because I feel that I cannot be held responsible for another’s actions, it is their choice to have an abortion thus their choice to sin. Because I let my government decide they have that right does not mean I am a bad Christian or a sinner it simply means I am letting everyone make their own choices. Some people say: what would Jesus do, well in my case I would say: what would God do and I believe god would give you the choice, he did! God gave us free will, and those of us who choose him, and choose to live a life for him (and make choices he would approve of) we will one day be rewarded, the others that choose to take advantage of their free will in a different way will just simply get what they bargained for in the end. That’s the beauty of the land of the free, I am able to freely be a happy Christian and others are allowed to freely choose differently. Does that make either of us bad, not necessarily (depending on your stance)… it just makes us different.